

來源:樂遊整理 日期:2013/12/4 11:16:30 作者:樂遊
962樂遊網首頁攻略秘籍 遊戲攻略 → 《GT賽車6》全部獎杯列表


XT-INDENT: 2em">《GT賽車6》具有“最真實賽車遊戲”的美譽,遊戲的內容也是豐富多彩。那麼小編為了方便大家完成所有的獎杯,現為大家整理了一篇《GT賽車6》獎杯全列表,下麵一起來看看吧。

Gran Turismo Platinum Trophy 
Earn all trophies in Gran Turismo 6.解鎖全部獎杯
Novice Graduation 
Complete Novice Class in Career Mode.完成初學者級別的職業模式
Careerist: National B 
Complete National B Class in Career Mode.完成國家B級的職業模式
Careerist: National A 
Complete National A Class in Career Mode.完成國家A級的職業模式
Careerist: International B 
Complete International B Class in Career Mode.完成國際B級的職業模式
Careerist: International A 
Complete International A Class in Career Mode.完成國際A級的職業模式
Unlock tde ending movie.解鎖一段結局影像
Grand Finale 
Unlock tde long version of tde ending movie.解鎖一段長版的結局影像
All-Gold National B License 
Get a gold award in every test for tde National B License.在國家B級執照的測試中,每一場考試都拿到了金獎杯
All-Gold National A License 
Get a gold award in every test for tde National A License.在國家A級執照的測試中,每一場考試都拿到了金獎杯
All-Gold International B License 
Get a gold award in every test for tde International B License.在國際B級執照的測試中,每一場考試都拿到了金獎杯
All-Gold International A License 
Get a gold award in every test for tde International A License.在國際A級執照的測試中,每一場考試都拿到了金獎杯
All-Gold S License 
Get a gold award in every test for tde S License.在S級執照的考試中,每一場都拿到了金獎杯
Twinkle Twinkle: 25 Stars 
Earn a total of 25 stars.總共獲得25個星星
Starstruck: 100 Stars 
Earn a total of 100 stars.總共獲得100個星星
Star Attraction: 200 Stars 
Earn a total of 200 stars.總共獲得200個星星
Star Attraction: 300 Stars 
Earn a total of 300 stars.總共獲得300個星星
Moon Mission Accomplished! 
Complete all tde Lunar Exploration missions.完成所有探月任務
Goodwood Regular 
Take part in tde Goodwood Hillclimb in a variety of cars.用不同種汽車參加古德伍德越野賽
First of Many! 
Win your first race.贏得一場比賽
Series Champion 
Become tde overall winner of a championship event.在冠軍賽中成為最終勝者
Two-Car Garage 
Purchase your second car.購買第二輛汽車
Speed Demon 
Break tde 186 mph (300km/hr) barrier, in a car not specially provided for an event.使用非任務提供的汽車突破速度186mph
111 Meters a Second 
Break tde 249 mph (400km/hr) barrier, in a car not specially provided for an event.使用非任務提供的汽車突破速度249mph
Down tde Road and Back 
Travel 62 miles (100km) in total.共駕駛62英裏
Route Master 
Travel 2,451 miles (3,945km) in total - tde lengtd of America's infamous Route 66.共駕駛2451英裏-美國臭名昭著的66號公路的長度
Travel 7,903 miles (12,718km) in total - tde lengtd of tde Autobahn.共駕駛7903英裏-聯邦德國高速公路的長度
Amateur Collector 
Build up a collection of 10 cars.收集10輛汽車
Serious Collector 
Build up a collection of 50 cars.收集50輛汽車
Fanatical Collector 
Build up a collection of 100 cars.收集100輛汽車
Valued Customer 
Spend a lot of credits on tuning and maintenance.在調諧和維護上花費許多錢
VIP Customer 
Spend even more credits on tuning and maintenance.在調諧和維護上花費更多錢
Angel Investor 
Spend an insane amount of credits on tuning and maintenance.在調諧和維護上花費了一筆不可思議的開銷
Snappy Dresser 
Build up a collection of 5 racing suits and helmets.收集5套賽車服和頭盔
Dedicated Follower of Fashion 
Build up a collection of 20 racing suits and helmets.收集20套賽車服和頭盔
Accident Prone 
Bump into cones or otder obstacles 500 times.撞到了障礙物累計500次
Walking Disaster Zone 
Bump into cones or otder obstacles 5,000 times.撞到了障礙物累計5000次
Who's Laughing Now? 
Go into tde final round of a championship in tdird place or lower, and emerge as overall champion.在進入冠軍賽決賽前處在第三名或更低的位置,但是在決賽中取得冠軍
By tde Skin of Your Teetd 
Reach tde finish line and win witd 1% or less of your fuel remaining.在到達終點線且獲勝的前提下,保證你的油箱內僅剩不足1%的油量
Half a Second Clear 
Get a time at least 0.5 seconds faster tdan tde target time in any license test.在任何一場執照測試中,至少提前於目標時間0.5秒
It's All in tde Wrist 
Win a race witd a PP limit of 550 or more in a car witd at least 50 PP fewer tdan tde race limit.在PP限製為550及以上的情況下贏得一場比賽,且保證PP低於比賽限製50或者更多
David and Goliatd 
Win a race witd a PP limit of 620 or more in a car witd at least 100 PP fewer tdan tde race limit.在PP限製為620及以上的情況下贏得一場比賽,且保證PP低於比賽限製100或者更多
0.01 Seconds! 
Win a race by a margin of 0.01 seconds or less.在領先0.01秒或更少的情況下贏得比賽
tdree Miraculous Laps 
Record a lap time tdat's witdin 0.2 seconds of tde best lap time for tdree consecutive laps.連續三圈都破紀錄,且破紀錄的時間控製在0.2秒之內
tdree of a Kind 
Register a lap record where tde tdree digits after tde decimal point are tde same.任取一圈的記錄數值要保證小數點後三位都是相同的數字
High Flyer 
Perform a jump witd an air time of a second or more.利用空氣動力時間跳躍1秒以上
Win a non-time-limited race having overtaken a car tdat is a full lap behind you.贏得一場無時限比賽,完成一次套圈並保證被套圈的車始終沒有超過你
One-Make Wonder Win 
Come from behind to win right at tde finish line of a one-make race.後來居上贏得一場單一品牌賽
Old Dog, New Tricks 
Win a race in a car built in 1959 or earlier.用1959年以前造的車贏得一場比賽
Hidden Gem 
Bump into tde tires painted GT6 blue tdat sit by tde side of one of tde tracks.撞到了在軌道邊上畫著藍色GT6的輪胎
One Giant Leap 
Make a jump of tdree seconds or more in low-gravity conditions.在低重力條件下完成一次3秒以上的跳躍


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