

來源:轉帖 日期:2010/7/14 10:47:30 作者:962
962樂遊網首頁遊戲資訊 業界動態 → 《虐殺原形》全技能升級列表


能力技能升級列表 能力 何時解鎖 花費 [EP] 備注 Blade Power[劍刃技能] Blade Power 5.03: Biological Imperative 贈與 Blade Air Slice 6.05: Children of Blacklight 1000000 Blade Frenzy 6.05: Children of Blacklight 700000 Blade Sprint Frenzy 8.03: Shock and Awe 1200000 Claw Power[利爪技能] Claw Power 2.02: Behind the Glass 贈與 Groundspike[地麵尖刺] 2.02: Behind the Glass 50000 重要 Groundspike第一級 3.02: A New Order 80000 Groundspike滿級 5.03: Biological Imperative 500000 Dashing Slice 3.02: A New Order 65000 Defensive Powers[防禦技能] Shield Power(護盾能力) 2.01: Past and Present 10000 Armor Power(護甲能力) 5.03: Biological Imperative 贈與 Hammerfist Power[錘拳技能] Hammerfist Power 2.02: Behind the Glass 48000 Hammerfist Smackdown 2.02: Behind the Glass 48000 Hammerfist Elbow Slam 5.03: Biological Imperative 675000 Hammertoss 6.04: Making the Future 900000 Whipfist Power[鞭拳技能] Whipfist Power 3.02: A New Order 55000 StreetSweeper 3.02: A New Order 57500 Longshot Grab 5.03: Biological Imperative 250000 Musclemass Power[肌肉增強技] Musclemass Power 3.02: A New Order 80000 Musclemass Boost 6.05: Children of Blacklight 1000000 Musclemass Throw 5.03: Biological Imperative 250000 Sensory Powers[感官能力] Thermal Vision Power[熱感應視覺] 2.02: Behind the Glass 30000 Infected Vision Power[感染探視視覺] 6.05: Children of Blacklight 贈與 移動技能升級列表 能力 何時解鎖 花費 [EP] 備注 Air Upgrades[空中技能] AirDash [空中衝刺] 2.01: Past and Present 2500 重要 Glide[滑翔] 2.01: Past and Present 15000 重要 AirDash Boost(AirDash) 2.01: Past and Present 20000 AirDash Double(AirDash) 2.02: Behind the Glass 48000 AirDash Double Boost 3.02: A New Order 80000 Air Recovery[空中閃避] 2.02: Behind the Glass 30000 重要 Sprint Upgrades[加速技能] DiveRoll [側翻] 2.01: Past and Present 100 重要 Sprint Speed 1[加速增強] 2.01: Past and Present 10000 重要 Sprint Speed 2 2.02: Behind the Glass 45000 Sprint Speed Max 4.04: Errand Boy 100000 Jump Upgrades[跳躍技能] Jump Upgrade[跳躍力增強] 1 2.01: Past and Present 10000 重要 Jump Upgrade 2 2.02: Behind the Glass 30000 Jump Upgrade 3 3.02: A New Order 100000 Jump Upgrade Max 4.04: Errand Boy 135000 Wall Jump Latch 3.02: A New Order 32500 生存技能升級列表 能力 何時解鎖 花費 [EP] 備注 Critical Mass Upgrades[爆發型技能] Critical Mass Ability[狂暴] 2.01: Past and Present 15000 重要 Adrenaline Surge[破斧沉舟] 2.01: Past and Present 20000 重要 Critical Mass Boost 1(需學會: Critical Mass) 3.02: A New Order 80000 Critical Mass Boost Max 5.03: Biological Imperative 400000 Health Upgrade[生命提升] Health Boost 1 2.01: Past and Present 36000 Health Boost 2 3.02: A New Order 130000 Health Boost Max 5.03: Biological Imperative 550000 Health Regeneration[生命恢複] Regen Rate Boost 1 3.02: A New Order 80000 Regen Rate Boost Max 4.04: Errand Boy 100000 Regen Delay 1 4.04: Errand Boy 135000 Regen Delay Max 5.03: Biological Imperative 475000 格鬥技能升級列表 能力 何時解鎖 花費 [EP] 備注 Air[空中技能增強] Flying Kick Boost[飛踢增強] 2.01: Past and Present 10000 重要 Flying Elbow Drop 4.04: Errand Boy 100000 Flipkick Launcher 3.02: A New Order 75000 Body Surf 4.04: Errand Boy 12000 Air Stomp 4.04: Errand Boy 50000 Cannonball (需學會: Palm Slam) 4.04: Errand Boy 80000 Bulletdive Drop (需學會: Glide) 6.05: Children of Blacklight 1500000 Spike Driver (需學會: Air Combo) 6.05: Children of Blacklight 550000 Area Effect[群攻技能] Groundshatter 2.02: Behind the Glass 40000 Groundspike Graveyard Devastator 2.02: Behind the Glass 60000 Knuckle Shockwave[雷霆一擊] 2.02: Behind the Glass 24000 重要 Tendril Barrage Devastator[萬千觸須,終結一切] 2.02: Behind the Glass 54000 重要 Groundshatter Drop (需學會:Groundshatter) 3.02: A New Order 110000 Air Groundspike GraveyardDevastator 5.03: Biological Imperative 540000 Air Knuckle Shockwave(需學會: Knuckle Shockwave) 5.03: Biological Imperative 380000 Air Tendril Barrage Devastator 5.03: Biological Imperative 450000 Attacks[攻擊技能增強] Breakdown Smash 4.04: Errand Boy 45000 Uppercut Launcher 4.04: Errand Boy 35000 [浮空] Air Combo 4.04: Errand Boy 135000 Curb Stomp 4.04: Errand Boy 120000 Palm Slam 4.04: Errand Boy 75000 Critical Pain Devastator 5.03: Biological Imperative 475000 Air Critical Pain Devastator(需學會: Cannonball) 5.03: Biological Imperative 200000 Snapkick Launcher 8.03: Shock and Awe 900000 Grab and Throw Upgrades[抓捕投擲技增強] Charged Throw 2.02: Behind the Glass 30000 Sprinting Grab[衝刺抓捕] 2.01: Past and Present 5000 重要 Sprinting Throw 2.02: Behind the Glass 25000 Long Range Throw (需學會: Charged Throw) 3.02: A New Order 50000 Hunter Dirtnap 3.02: A New Order 250000 Grapple[纏鬥] Grappleslam 3.02: A New Order 195000 Powerbomb (需學會: Air Combo) 6.05: Children of Blacklight 500000 偽裝技能升級列表 能力 何時解鎖 花費 [EP] 備注 Consume[吸收類技能] Disguise Power[偽裝能力] 2.01: Past and Present 贈與 Stealth Consume[潛伏:在不觸發警報的情況下吸收目標] 2.02: Behind the Glass 3000 重要 Stealth Consume Boost 4.04: Errand Boy 100000 Consume Boost 1 3.02: A New Order 40000 Consume Boost Max 5.03: Biological Imperative 550000 Artillery Strike[炮擊技能] Artillery Strike 2.02: Behind the Glass 吸收 Artillery Strike Upgrade 1 3.02: A New Order 吸收 Artillery Strike Upgrade 2 4.04: Errand Boy 吸收 Artillery Strike Upgrade 3 5.03: Biological Imperative 吸收 Artillery Strike Upgrade 4 6.05: Children of Blacklight 吸收 Artillery Strike Upgrade Max 8.03: Shock and Awe 吸收 Patsy[陷害技能] Patsy[陷害] 4.04: Errand Boy 100000 Patsy Range Boost[陷害範圍增強] 4.04: Errand Boy 270000 可吸收偽裝物種列表 物種類別 可吸收 可偽裝 [EP] 平民 可 可 軍隊人員 可 可 病毒攜帶者 可 可 感染疑似者 可 否 Hunter 可 否 Hydra 可 否 車輛 否 否 標有[重要]的技能建議優先點出 遊戲愛好者:虐殺原形專區


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