

來源:轉帖 日期:2010/7/14 10:47:30 作者:962
962樂遊網首頁遊戲資訊 業界動態 → 《拳擊之夜4》成就列表


拳擊之夜4 一共有37個成就 其中30個為單機成就 Get In The Ring 5G Win a Fight Now match against the CPU (難度不限隨便贏下一場VS CPU的比賽) Just Like Mike 40G Win a Fight Now match by KO in in the first round against the CPU in a 10 round fight. (將比賽設定為10局並且在第一局KO對手獲勝) More machine than man 50G Win 50 Fight Now matches against the CPU (贏下50場VS CPU的比賽) Knock a sucker out. 10G Win by a knockout in Fight Now against the CPU (以KO對手的方式贏得一場VS CPU的比賽) Ecko Trunk Challenge 15G Beat CPU Miguel Cotto in Fight Now on Pro. (在Pro難度下殺擊敗Miguel Cotto) Man Up Manny 15G Beat CPU Manny Pacquiao in Fight Now on Champion. (在Champion難度下擊敗Manny Pacquiao) Pull No Punches 10G Win a Fight Now match vs the CPU while landing at least 500 punches. (在至少出拳500次的情況下贏得一場VS CPU的比賽) Pound For Pound 40G Win a fight against a CPU opponent in a higher weight class than you. (擊敗一名比你重量級高的選手) The Road Is Long 10G Win 10 fights in Legacy Mode. (在Legacy模式中贏得10場比賽) The Champ Is Here 40G Win a championship belt in a single weight class. (在一個重量級別中獲得金腰帶) The Latest and the Greatest 50G Retire as a Superstar. (成為超級巨星之後退役) From Chump to Champ 20G Win the Amateur Tournament in Legacy Mode. (在Legacy Mode中完成業餘聯賽) Movin' On Up 20G Move up in weight class in Legacy Mode. (在Legacy Mode中提升自己的重量級別) Undefeated 30G Win 5 Consecutive Legacy Mode fights (在Legacy Mode中連勝5場) My Style Is Impetuous 60G Beat CPU Mike Tyson on G.O.A.T. using a created boxer in Fight Now (以自創人物擊敗泰森) XL 50G Win the Middleweight Championship Belt in Online World Championship Mode. (在線上錦標賽模式中獲得中量級金腰帶) L 25G Win the Lightweight Championship Belt in Online World Championship Mode. (在線上錦標賽模式中獲得輕量級金腰帶) Solid Contender 30G Win 5 online ranked matches. (贏得五場線上比賽) Pain Brings Glory 5G Win a match in Online World Championship Mode. (線上錦標賽模式中獲得一場勝利) Comeback Kid 10G Win a Online ranked match after being knocked down twice. (線上模式中被擊倒兩次以後獲得比賽勝) Walk like ten men 10G Win 10 Fight Now matches against the CPU (贏得10場VS CPU的比賽) David and Goliath 40G Beat CPU Mike Tyson in Fight Now on G.O.A.T. (在史詩對決中擊敗麥克泰森) King of The Rope-a-Dope 40G Beat CPU Muhammad Ali in Fight Now on G.O.A.T. (在史詩對決中擊敗默罕默德阿裏) Punch Drunk 10G Win a Fight Now match vs the CPU while landing at least 250 jabs (在至少出拳250次的情況下贏得一場VS CPU的比賽) Enough To Feed a Horse 10G Win a Fight Now match vs the CPU while landing at least 10 haymakers (在至少出側擺拳10次的情況下贏得一場VS CPU的比賽) Precision Guided Pain 50G Win a fight where you landed at least 70% of your punches vs CPU (在至少出拳率在70%次的情況下贏得一場VS CPU的比賽) GOAT 80G Retire as the G.O.A.T(unlocks achievements; Retiring as a Superstar and Hall of Famer if not earned) (成為史詩級拳手之後退役) Big Gloves to Fill 65G Retire as a Hall of Famer (unlocks achievement for retiring as a superstar if not earned). (成為名人堂級拳手之後退役) Flyswatter 60G Beat CPU Muhammad Ali on G.O.A.T. using a created boxer in Fight Now (用自創人物擊敗默罕默德阿裏) XXL 75G Win the Heavyweight Championship Belt in Online World Championship Mode (在線上錦標賽模式中獲得重量級金腰帶) A Force to Reckon With 15G Win 10 online ranked matches. (在線上模式下獲得10場比賽勝利) New Blood 5G Import a boxer into Legacy Mode (自創一名人物)


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