

來源:轉帖 日期:2010/7/14 10:47:30 作者:962
962樂遊網首頁遊戲資訊 業界動態 → 《虐殺原形》40成就一覽


無休止的饑餓的10G Consume 200 characters to boost your health消費200個字符,以提升您的健康 Trail of Corpses 30G 開拓者的屍體 30克 Kill 53,596 infected殺死53596感染 Wrecking Yard 20G 搶險場 20克 Destroy 2,000 vehicles.銷毀2000輛。 Misconception 20G 誤區 20克 Destroy 25 Infected Water Towers before they hatch摧毀25水塔感染前艙口 It's Him! 10G 這是他!萬兆 Patsy 5 military personnel帕齊5名軍事人員 In Plain Sight 10G 在平常的10G Evade 10 strike teams逃避10罷工隊伍 Infiltrator 20G 滲入 20克 Infiltrate 10 Military Bases disguised as a Commander滲透10軍事基地偽裝成指揮官 Threat Elevated 20G 威脅高架 20克 Destroy 25 strike teams摧毀25罷工隊伍 Repossession 10G 收樓的10G Seize 50 vehicles from enemy hands抓住50輛汽車從敵人手中 Surface-To-Air 10G 地對空的10G Shoot down 50 helicopters while driving armor擊落50架直升機駕駛裝甲 The Cleaner 20G 清潔 20克 Destroy 20 Military Bases or Infected Hives in New York City摧毀20個軍事基地或感染蕁麻疹在紐約市 Aaah, the good old "perform action X * Y times" achievements. Aaah ,好老的“執行動作X * Ÿ時報”取得的成就。 Bland and uninspired. 布蘭德和平庸。 Hopefully they won't require too much grinding, and I have my fingers crossed that there's an ingame counter that shows progress towards these achievements. 希望他們不會要求太多磨,和我有我的手指穿過 , 還有一個ingame計數器顯示這些成就方麵取得進展。 A big bonus would be if they're cumulative through multiple playthroughs. 一個大的獎金將累積如果他們通過多種playthroughs 。 At NYCC, Booth Rep max mentioned that, if they had achievements like these, they would be attainable in a single playthrough, but 2,000 vehicles sounds like a lot. 在NYCC ,展位代表最高提到,如果他們有這樣的成就,他們就可以實現在一個單一playthrough ,但 2000 輛聽起來像很多。 Hard To Kill 60G 很難殺死 60克 Complete Story Mode in any dificulty without dying完成故事模式中的任何困難而不死亡 Half-Truths 10G 半真理的10G Complete a mission without causing a single military alert完成一項任務,而不會造成一個單一的軍事戒備 Mankind Is Your Mask 40G 人類是你的麵膜 40克 Complete 3 missions without causing a single military alert完成3個特派團沒有造成單一的軍事戒備 The Butcher 30G 屠夫 30克 Kill 50 characters in 5 seconds殺死50個字符在5秒內 Return Fire 10G 還擊的10G Catch any object tossed by a Hydra and throw it back發現任何物體扔了水螅和扔回來 Gunning 10G 岡寧萬兆 Destroy 20 Helicopters in a single Helicopter fight摧毀20架直升機在一個直升機打擊 Cleanup 10G 清理的10G Kill 15 characters with a single whipfist attack殺死15個字符的單一whipfist攻擊 Speed Bumps 20G 高速凸點 20克 Run over 500 characters in a single tank運行超過500個字符在一個坦克 Nice Guy 40G 好人 40克 Complete the game while consuming 10 Civilians or fewer完成遊戲的同時,耗電10名平民或更少 Revenge Revisited 60G 複仇回顧 60克 Complete Story Mode on Hard Difficulty完成故事模式硬難點 Skill-based achievements, my favorite type. 以技術為基礎的成就,我最喜歡的類型。 These give you goals to shoot for and offer inventive ways to play the game. 這些給你的目標射擊 , 並提供創造性的方式玩遊戲。 Nice Guy will require a second playthrough (bundled with Revenge Revisited, if possible), but these all seem fun. 好人將需要第二playthrough (捆綁複仇回顧,如果可能的話) ,但這些似乎都充滿樂趣。 The only one I disagree with is Hard To Kill--as we learned from Prince of Persia and I'm finding out now in Sacred 2, the easiest way to get these is to shut off your 360 if you're right about to die. 唯一一個我不同意 , 很難殺-因為我們的教訓波斯王子 ,我找到了現在的神聖2 ,最簡單的方法讓這些是關閉的360如果你是正確的死亡。 I guess the Autosave feature will dictate how difficult this is--if the game doesn't Autosave when you die, then there's no pressure at all--if you die, just reload and try again; you'll still get the achievement. 我猜的自動保存功能將決定有多麼困難 , 這是-如果不自動保存遊戲時 , 你死了,然後就沒有壓力 , 所有-如果你死了,剛剛重新載入並再試一次,你仍然可以得到實現。 The First Thread 10G 在第一個線程的10G Unlock the Web of Intrigue解鎖網絡的陰謀 In The Web 20G 在Web 20克 Consume 50 Web Targets消耗50網絡目標 Self-Deception 20G 自欺欺人 20克 Discover what happened to Alex Mercer through the Web of Intrigue發現發生了什麼事亞曆克默瑟通過網絡的陰謀 Web of Knowledge 60G Web of Knowledge的 60克 Acquire all nodes in the Web of Intrigue獲取所有的網絡節點的陰謀 SME 20G 中小型企業 20克 Gain the ability to fly and drive all vehicles增益的能力,飛行和駕駛的所有車輛 Evolutionary Step 10G 演進步驟的10G Use the Upgrade Menu to acqure an Upgrade使用升級菜單acqure升級 Unnatural Selection 40G 自然選擇 40克 Acquire all available upgrades獲取所有可用的升級 Brain Trust 20G 智囊團 20克 Complete all Consume Events完成所有的消費活動 These are fairly generic but completely understandable, and I like achievements which reward completion of character development. 這是相當一般 , 但完全可以理解的,和我喜歡的成就 , 獎勵完成的性格發展。 No complaints here. 沒有什麼可抱怨這裏。 Au 40G 非盟 40克 Achieve a rating of Gold or better in all Events實現評價黃金或更好地在所有活動 Pt 60G 角 60克 Achieve a Platinum Medal in all Events實現白金勳章的所有活動 Depends on how difficult the events are , and how similar they are. 取決於如何困難的事件,以及他們是如何類似。 From what I understand, they're divers and fun, so if Platinum isn't a total pain, these could be great. 從我了解,他們是潛水員和樂趣,因此,如果白金不是總疼痛,這些可能是巨大的。 Streetwise 50G 街頭 50克 Collect all Landmark collectibles scattered across New York City收集所有亮馬河收藏品分散在紐約市 Polymath 40G Polymath 40克 Collect all Hint Collectibles scattered across New York City收集所有提示收藏散落在紐約市 If these are displayed on your ingame map and pause menu map, I'll be thrilled. 如果這些都顯示在您的ingame地圖和暫停菜單地圖,我會高興。 If these require me to scour the city over and over trying to find the one item I missed, and if I need to use an online guide to get them, I'll be let down. 如果這些要求我衝刷的城市 , 多努力尋找我錯過一個項目,如果我需要使用在線指南 , 讓他們,我會失望。 Secret Achievement 10G 秘密成就萬兆 Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement繼續發揮解開這個秘密成就 Secret Achievement 10G 秘密成就萬兆 Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement繼續發揮解開這個秘密成就 Secret Achievement 20G 秘密成就 20克 Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement繼續發揮解開這個秘密成就 Secret Achievement 20G 秘密成就 20克 Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement繼續發揮解開這個秘密成就 Secret Achievement 20G 秘密成就 20克 Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement繼續發揮解開這個秘密成就 Secret Achievement 20G 秘密成就 20克 Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement繼續發揮解開這個秘密成就 Secret Achievement 40G 秘密成就 40克 Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement繼續發揮解開這個秘密成就遊戲愛好者:虐殺原形專區


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