

來源:轉帖 日期:2010/7/14 10:47:25 作者:962
962樂遊網首頁遊戲資訊 電視遊戲資訊 → X360《生化尖兵》劇情翻譯


CAM 1 05:31 let me tell you about the man I met when i was still young... ten years ago our country faced the greatest threat it han never known.The FSA was attacked by the imperials,a military a group of fascists who respected nothing...not even the laws of life and death. A soldier was sent in and managed to stop them.He saved us all. He saved me...but people forget.At first.the public was grateful.then they grew distrustful.Before long.they turned on people like him--mechanically enhanced soldiers.bionic commandos.They called them dangerous,crazy...not fully human. bionic became public medicine.Eventually the politicians pulled the plug.Bionic soldiers were "purged",stripped of their bionic parts like the were machines.Some of them died.others ran.And the man that saved my life...He ended up on Death Row for the murders of man I had sent him to kill.sentenced to death.And ready for the end.This is where our story begins. CAM 1 05:31 允許我給你們說一下他,一個在我還年輕時所認識的男人。。。十年前我國麵對著一場前所未有的威脅,那時FSA被正帝國勢力所攻擊,而這個帝國是一個法西斯複興軍事組織,其氣焰囂張,完全無視生死。。。和法律。 一個士兵被派去組織他們,他救了所有人,也救了我。。。但是人民忘記了。他們不記得最初的時候,這些公眾是多麼慶幸,但是很快他們就不掛在心上了。他們不記得最初的時候,他們都把希望交給了像他這樣的人——仿生強化人。人們認為這些人危險,瘋狂。。。幾乎不是人類。仿生成為公眾的毒藥。最終一個政策被執行了。所有的仿生強化人都被“清洗”了,他們的仿生強化部件被強製剝離,好像那部件僅僅是個機器,而不是他們軀體的一部分。其中一些人死了,一些人離開了,而救我的人剛好就是他們其中之一,他即將等待他的死刑,隻因為他殺了一個我要他去殺的人。 他即將被行刑,而他也準備好了,這就是我們故事開始的地方。 airport spencer,you finally arrived. let him go. 斯賓塞,你終於來了。放開他 I stopped the execution! 你幹什麼!我阻止了死刑! You put me in prison in the first place!I follwed your orders!I got you out!What the hell do you want with me? 最初是你把我關進監獄的!我按照你的命令執行的任務!是我把你就出來的!現在你把我放出來又是怎麼回事? Pro-bionic terrorists detonated a weapon of mass destrution in Ascension City this morning. people ard dead.spencer.hundreds of thousands...maybe millions.what's left of the city has been occupied.infantry.air force..nothing we've sent in has come back out.we need to get behind their lines and find out what's going on. 今天早上,一個恐怖組織向阿森納城發射了一個巨大毀滅性武器。死了很多人,斯賓塞,真的,幾十萬人,也許會有上百萬人。毀滅後的城市現在被恐怖分子控製了,我們派了陸軍和空軍試圖潛入,但是沒有一個人能從敵占區活著回來。但是我們必須要找個人滲透到他們後方去看看到底發生什麼事情了。 I'm not a soldier of the FSA anymore. 幹,我早就不為FSA了戰鬥了。 We believe the terrorists to be ex-imperials...and some of our own men.rogue bionics.you are the only one with experience tacking both.we're sending you into the city to scout the area.And help us track dowen those responsible. 我們認為恐怖分子也學是帝國餘,還有很多曾經為我們服役的生化部隊。現在你是唯一一個具有豐富滲透經驗的人。我們將會用偵查機護送你到敵占區,幫我們誰才是真正的幕後凶手。 Like hell you are. 你鬼去吧。 I'm just man spencer...I can't give you the last five years back.but i can give you this: 我不是無所不能的,斯賓塞。。。你落魄的那五年我不能幫你找回來,但是我可以幫你找回這個。 What the fuck does this have to do with emily? 你這混蛋這鳥事情跟艾米什麼關係? I have information about her disappearance...I can help you to find her.The clock is ticking on this.spencer.are you in,or not? 關於他的失蹤,我有些線索。。。也許我可以幫你找到他。我們沒有時間了,斯賓塞,關於這次行動,你參加,還是不參加? We've still got one problem. (你用槍指著我我還能說不?)好吧,但是我不可能一隻手過去。 That's been taken care of. 你的生化手臂不是問題,已經給你帶過來了 (你居然全都設計好了)無奈的微笑Joe come in !I'm lose you! 周,接進來!我快聽不到你了HACK結束後 do you read me. 能收到信號嗎 I hear you。 收到 Report soldier. 報告狀況,軍士 The city's deserted.and flooded with radiedation- you never mentioned that in the briefing. 整個城市都毀了,到處都是輻射,你在任務簡報從來都沒有留意這個。。。Remember that your bionic are extremely sensitive to radiation.now get on with the mission and see what's out there. 記住你的仿生部件對於輻射非常敏感,繼續任務,看看到底發生什麼事情了 spencer ,is that a train car? 斯賓塞,那是一節列車箱嗎? You know how this goes .spencer.We're updating the navigationg point on your heads-up display in real time.Following nav-points will always keep you on the right track. 你知道改怎麼做,我們講在你頭上的顯示器給你實時上傳坐標,隻要跟著坐標走,你不會走錯的。 We're having trouble tracking you position.The enemy jamming signal is blocking the homing device we placed on you.See if you can find the relays emitting that signal.And shut them off.Then we'll be able to triangulate your position 我們在給你定位的時候遇到麻煩了,敵人的幹擾信號阻塞了我們為你準備的信號發射器,如果你能找到發射幹擾信號的信號節點,並關掉它,那麼我們講會給你進行三角地位。 And we do i need you to do that? 你三角定位關我屁事? because we'll be able to resupply you through insertion pod of new weapons. 因為我們講可以通過發射滲透棒來為你提供武器,想想你是怎麼到這個地方的。 ...I can live with that. 。。。聽起來不錯。Good .We got a fix on the closest relay.Follow the navigation point. 好的,我在你不遠處發現了又一個目標節點。跟著坐標走。JOE.I just saw something.I think it was the name of the terrorist organization.it said "bioreign" 周,我好像看見什麼東西,好像是這個恐怖組織的名字,叫“BioReign” It is as we expected.It is the BioReign militia.I'll prepare a file on it.You'll have it shortlly. 跟我們想的一樣,就是這個恐怖組織,為給你上傳了一分文檔,你可以簡要了解一下這個軍事組織。Don't get reckless.The enemy might be on to you. 你不要太莽撞,敵人會發現你的 Hehe... 嗬嗬(那才有的耍) Hun...Mines... 暈。。。水雷 Those mines must be controlled by a central network.Maybe you can shut them down by hacking the enemy'srelays. 這些水雷應該被一個網絡終端鎖控製,也許你可以黑掉敵人的信息節點。 Spencer-listen up .secretary of defense armstrong is calling the shots on this mission.If he contacts you.try to be polite.OKEY? 斯賓塞,聽著,國防部部長阿姆斯特朗要求負責這次行動,如果部長聯係你的時候,對他放尊重點,沒問題吧?Good job.Spencer.We only need one more relay.then we'll have you position. 幹的好,斯賓塞,我們隻要再控製一個信息節點,我們就將為你精確定位。 Spencer- you've been without your arm for a long time.Bionic parts usually take some time to synchronize with the bearer. 斯賓塞,你離開你的仿生手臂很久了,仿生義肢往往都陪伴著攜帶者很久。 You point being...? 你有啥屁就快點快放出來。。。? My point being:don't expect to jump straight back into the old days.Certain moves and techniques will come back-you'll just give'em some time. 我的意思是說:不要一直想著過去對於義肢的感覺,現在你對於義肢的熟練感很快就會回來的,隻要花點時間習慣就是了。Good.We've acquirde your position on radar.We'll update the mission parameters- in the meantime proceed through the city .We need to know what they're up to. 好的,我們在雷當上收到你的信號了。我們將上傳任務細節,在此期間,繼續前進,我們需要知道他們要幹什麼Spencer!We loaded the first pod with a HIKER.It's in the air now. Not anymore. This one's new-they call it a HIKER.It packs a fierce punch with good spread.Not exactly subtle. 斯賓塞!我們為你的第一個滲透棒裝上了HIKER,滲透幫目前還在空中,馬上就到。這是最新武器,我們稱他為HIKER,裝載了足夠寬距離的強大火力,它可不是袖珍型玩具。學會死神天降 Whoa.Nice move .I wouldn't want to be caught in that shockwave 哇哦,漂亮。我可不想在那是呆在那個氣浪範圍內。 This is Secretary Armstr1ong .Status report! 這裏是部長阿姆斯特朗,彙報情況 I'm in the middle of something.Secretary.Maybe you could ask joe. 我在一個不知道什麼東西的裏麵,部長,你幹嘛不問問周。 I outrank you both.Major.and don't you forget it!You report to me at my say-so! 你們兩個我都是我下屬,少校,不要忘了!我讓你彙報什麼,你就彙報什麼。 Fine.Here's the report:the city is in ruins.Everybody's dead.Is that what you were looking for? 好的,你要彙報,那我老子我就給你彙報一下:這個城痿掉了,所有人都掛了,怎麼樣,老子的彙報符合你標準吧? Spare me the melodrama.I'll be checking in on you .Mayjor.I run this mission.not Joe. 省省你的幽默,我盯著你了,少校,這次行動我是總指揮,周隻是打雜的。HACK狙擊文件後 Spencer.incoming paratroopers!Watch out. 斯賓塞,步行裝甲逼近! 遇見兩個機器人 Careful down there.Spencer .Those were developed while you were in 'the brig.They're called biomechs-mechanized infantry suit.They're tough as nails and armed to the teeth. 小心下麵,斯賓塞,這些步行裝甲是在你蹲在號子裏麵的時候生產的,他們稱之為 仿生重甲坦克裝,他們的皮很厚,武裝到了牙齒。 Very nice.spencer.I knew you were the right man for the job. 非常好,斯賓塞,我就知道你就是幹這個的.下一關 We have a new objective for you.An FSA recon plane was shot down befor you were sent in - we could use the date from their black box.Head to these coordinates and find it.Who knows,maybe the team can be rescued too. 我們有個新的任務要給你。早些時候,在你被送到敵占區的時候——一架FSA偵查機被擊落了,我們也許可以從黑匣子裏麵找到一些有用的數據。跑到坐標那裏並找到它,運氣好的話,也許還可以救出生還者。 Always the mission over the man.Why am I not surprised.Joe? 你對我使喚的很爽吧,為什麼對於你的傲慢我不會感到奇怪,周? Stow it.This isn't about you. 有意見的話就保留,這事情不針對你。 Enemy snipers...you better move fast.Spencer.They might not look it,but the snipers could take you down double-time.Look for their laser sights,and stay outta harm's way. 狙擊手。。。你最好移動的快一點,斯賓塞,一旦他們注意到你,他們很快就會幹掉你,注意他們的鐳射光線,躲開他們的火力。 Tread carefully Spencer,this area is completley flooded.With the weight of that arm,you'll sink like a rock. 悠著點斯賓塞,這個地區完全被洪水淹沒了,要是你不小心掉下去了,你仿生手臂的重量會讓你像棵蔥似的沉下去。Another pod is in the air.homed in at your current position.You'll like this one ... ... the pod... 另外一個滲透棒發射了,在你目前的位置立刻返回,你會喜歡上這個的。 The Yelena's a long range sniper rifle.Use it to scout out areas and pluk off those BioReign bastards before they even know you're there. YELENA是一個遠距離狙擊槍,用它偵查附近的區域,幹掉BioReign這些走,他們可能怎麼死的都不知道。下一節 Hum...I'm not reading any way out - but those walls are paper thin.Find something heavy and punch it through that wall. 嗯。。。看來我找不到出去的地方,不過這些牆看起來很薄。找點有分量的東西把牆砸出個洞穿過去吧。 Spencer...about what happened in Alaska... 斯賓塞。。。關於在阿拉斯加發生的事情 I don't have time for reminiscing.It's been five years. 我可沒功夫跟你搞懷舊,五年前的破情了。 ...I was under orders,just the same as you.We're both soldiers. 當時我臨危受命,跟你一樣,我們都是戰士。 Don't give me that shit!Joe. 你扯什麼淡,周! I wanted to protect bionics!That's why I had to let you take the fall.At my level of comommand,you have to think of more than just one man.I had to stay and-- 我所做的一切都是為了保護生化部隊!我為什麼要讓你躲在監獄裏也是這個原因。 你的腦袋不要太簡單好不好?你要考慮在我指揮官這個位置上我所要做的事情!我不得不有所保留來並且。。。 ...And lose?How noble.But I bet you still pick up your government paycheck at the end of erery month. 。。。並且拋棄你用過的東西是吧?你不要裝的這麼假,我打賭你每個月底還是要找拿點油水的。


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