

來源:樂遊整理 日期:2014/11/4 10:38:55 作者:樂遊
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先提一下前兩天加入後台結構的更新 前兩天後台結構文件更新了DotaCinema 的專屬套裝寶箱 這說明這個寶箱應該很有希望在未來跟大家麵了。

DotaCinema 寶箱裏麵的人馬套裝預覽



DotaCinema 寶箱裏麵的伐木機套裝 載入圖很NICE



DotaCinema 寶箱裏麵的發條套裝



DotaCinema 寶箱裏麵的劇毒套裝


創意工坊顯示這個套裝有三種顏色 不知道實際推出以後是否會有






DotaCinema 寶箱裏麵的天使惡魔信使




很早就加入測試客戶端的EG DOOM套裝也加入這次的後台文件,說明應該有機會跟大家正式見麵了







GG聯盟第二季 附帶土套 武器顯示有獨立特效 商店賣4.99美刀


遊戲也對遊戲內解說做了優化 會讓DOTATV和REP裏麵 解說的聲音更同步 同時也優化了一些造成丟包和延遲的問題

冰女遊戲內的比例也從0.81改到0.95 冰女長大了



也是之前的更新的一些消息 資料來自CY的更新日誌

PA的至寶圖標文件 條文加入後台 這說明PA的至寶已經在製作中 何時推出就不清楚了



大家知道 之前的更新修改了遊戲掉落機製 所以現在掉落清單也做了修改 不再掉落單件飾品 都是掉落寶箱和套裝 下麵是新的掉落清單 我隻發英文版 大家好奇什麼可以自己搜索 或者有好心的吧友幫忙翻譯 


Treasure of Crystalline Chaos

Treasure of Dark Implements

Treasure of Dire Arms

Treasure of Earth Essence

Treasure of Ember Essence

Treasure of Incandescent Wax

Treasure of Molten Steel

Treasure of Radiant Arms

Treasure of Rubiline Sheen

Treasure of Sinister Arcanery

Treasure of Vermilion Renewal

Treasure of the Bottled Cloud

Treasure of the Cannon*s Fuse

Treasure of the Cloven World

Treasure of the Cosmic Abyss

Treasure of the Cursed Wood

Treasure of the Diligent Artisan

Treasure of the Elemental Trophy

Treasure of the Emerald Polycount

Treasure of the Eternal Alliance

Treasure of the Forbidden Lotus

Treasure of the Malignant Amanita

Treasure of the Shaper Divine

Treasure of the Shattered Hourglass

Treasure of the Silver Storm

Treasure of the Sunken Maiden

Treasure of the Tangled Keepsake

Treasure of the Trapper*s Pelt


Armor of Renewed Faith Set

Bloodletters Pack

Bloodmist Armor Set

Bonds of Vincere Set

Dials of Claszureme Set

Direstone Bindings Set

Etched Crescents of Yoskreth Pack

Fashion of the Scorching Princess Set

Furyblades Pack

Hunter of the Blood Stained Sands Set

Radiant Crystal Bindings Set

Revered Arms Set

Royal Daggers of the Tahlin Watch

Shards of the Falling Comet Set

Tahlin Occult Daggers

The Berserker*s Blood Set

The Brood Queen Set

The Eternal Light Set

The Gallows Understudy Blade Pack

The Might and Bite of a Slithereen Knight

The Second Disciple Set

War Blades Pack

Wicked Succubus Set

Wings of the Paladin Set

罕見品質套裝掉落清單(修複前 獲得/合成 拍拍牛仔套的真是好福氣) :

Armor of the Purist Champion Set

Arms of the Bladebreaker Dagger Pack

Aspects of Beast and Man Set

Back Hooks Pack

Barbed Edges of the Nomad Protector

Bindings of Frost Set

Bird*s Stone Set

Blades of the Slithereen Exile Pack

Bonehunter Slicers Pack

Councilor*s Raiment Set

Cryogenic Embrace Set

Custom of Karroch Set

Demonic Vandal*s Set

Dragon Forged Set

Eki Bukaw Wand Pack

Enchanted Plate of the Crimson Wyvern Set

Falconer*s Design Set

Fire-Blessed Mail of the Drake Set

Flamestitched Suitings Set

Hardened Hunter*s Gear Set

Heartwood Vanguard Set

Heavy Steel Armor Set

Highborn Reckoning Set

Honors of the Golden Mane Set

Luminary of the Dreadful Abyss Set

Master of Beast and Bole Set

Regalia of the Bonelord Set

Regalia of the Wraith Lord Set

Reprieve of the Clergy Ascetic Pack

Riki*s Sange and Yasha

Riptide Blades Set

Ritual Garb of the Seeker Set

Scion of the Savage Set

Shards of Polymorphia Set

Swordmaster of the Vigil Set

Sylvan Guard*s Finery Set

Tahlin Occult Set

Talon of the Scarlet Raven Pack

The Admirable Admiral Set

The Alpine Stalker*s Set

The Boar God*s Honor Set

The Dauntless Set

The Defiant Axe Set

The Dreaded Bravo Set

The Fires of Exort Set

The Forgemaster*s Tools Set

The Hierophant*s Protection Set

The Iron Bear*s Set

The Nomad Protector Set

The Paleogeneous Punisher Set

The Savage Age Set

The Seers Command Set

The Slithereen Knight Set

The Subtle Demon*s Blades

Traveling Tale-Teller*s Set

Woodland Outcast Set

Zaru*Kina Protector*s Garb Set


Acolyte of Clasz Set

Adornments of Blight Set

Agaric Flourish

Alchemy Essentials Set

Alpha Predator Set

Ancestors* Pride Set

Ancestral Fortune

Ancestral Luck Set

Ancestral Trappings Set

Ancient Armor Set

Anointed Armor of Ruination

Aqwanderer Set

Araceae*s Tribute Set

Arctic Hunter Set

Ardor of the Scarlet Raven Set

Aria of the Wild Wind Set

Armaments of Leviathan Set

Armor of Eternal Reign

Armor of the Stalwart Soul

Armored Exoskeleton Set

Armour of The Iron Drakken

Arms of the Bladebreaker Order Set

Arms of the Bramble Lord Set

Arms of the Deep Vault Guardian Set

Arms of the Gwimyeon Warrior Set

Arms of the Penitent Nomad Set

Array of Tranquility

Aspects of Summer

Augur*s Curse Set

Balkan Championship

Barathrum*s Fury Set

Battleseeker Set


Bindings of Enduring Torment Set

Bindings of the Storm-Stealer Set

Birot*s Bindings Set

Black Blades of the Qaldin Assassin Set

Blacksmith*s Blessings


Blaze Armor

Blessings of the Eternal Eclipse Set

Blessings of the Wildwing

Blood Covenant Blade Pack

Bobusang*s Traveling Necessities Set

Bones of the Slain Dragon Set

Cabalist of Dark Magic Set

Carapace of the Hidden Hive Set

Caustic Steel Set

Ceremonial Carapace of Qaldin Set

Chained Mistress Set

Chained Slayers Set

Chains of the Summoned Lord Set

Champion of Discord

Chronite Defense Set

Cloud Forged Battle Gear Set

Councilor*s Complete Raiment Set

Crypt Guardian*s Set

Curse of the Malignant Corruption Set

Dame de Carreau

Dark Reef Escape

Dark Ruin Set

Dark Wraith Set

Darkness Wanderer*s Armor Set

Dead Winter Set

Death Shadow Set

Deep Warden Haul Set

Delicacies of Butchery Set

Desert Gale Set

Dimensional Infestation Set

Divine Ascension

Dragon*s Ascension



Dreadhawk Armor

Dressings of the First Light Set

Eki Spiritual Implements Set

Eldritch Ice Set

Eldwurm*s Touch

Ember Tipped Carapace Set

Embers of Endless Havoc Set

Emerald Frenzy Set

Engulfing Spike

Ensemble of the Crystalline Comet

Eternal Nymph

Father of the Forest

Fire Dragon of Doom


Flight of the Sparrowhawk Set

Forest Hermit Set

Foreteller*s Robes Set

Forged in Demons* Blood Set

Forsaken Beauty Set

Frostiron Raider Set

Frostiron Sorceress Set

Frozen Emperor

Frozen Feather Set

Garbs of the Eastern Range Set

Gear of the Tally-Ho Hunter Set

Ghastly Matriarch

Gift of the Sea Set

Gifts of the Heavenly Guardian

Gifts of the Shadowcat Set

Glaives of the Mage Slayer Pack

Golden Reel Guardian Set

Guardian of Silence Set

Gunslinger Set

Harbinger of the Inauspicious Abyss Set

Heart of the North Set

Heavy Armor of the World Runner Set

Heavy Barbed Armor Set

Heirlooms of Aeol Drias

Hell*s Ambassador Set

Hidden Flower

Hunter in Distant Sands Set

Hunter of the Red Talon Set

Hunter with No Name

Immemorial Emperor Set

Immortals Pride

Impending Transgressions Set

Imperial Relics

Implements of the Tahlin Watch Set

Instruments of the Claddish Voyager Set

Iron Clock Knight

Jewel of the Forest Set

Jewels of Teardrop Ice Set

Jini the Bright Moon Set

Judge of the Battlefield

Keeper of the Northlight Set

Kunkka*s *But I*m Not A Pirate!* Pack

Legacy of Infernal Wings

Legacy of the Awakened Set

Light of the Solar Divine

Lost Hills Set

稀有品質套裝掉落清單 太長一樓發不完:

Malicious Efflorescence Set

Malicious Sting

Master Weaver Set

Mentor of the High Plains

Mnemonus Arcanus Set

Monstrous Reprisal

Moon Rift

Mortar Forge

Nether Lord*s Regalia Set

Nimble Edge Set

Obsidian Guard

Of Ebony and Ivory Set

Outcast of the Deep Set

Penumbral Vesture Set

Phasma Phasmatis

Radiant Protector Set

Raiment of the Chiseled Guard

Red Dragon

Red Mist Reaper Set

Redmoon Assassin*s Secret Set

Regalia of the Crystalline Queen Set

Regalia of the Mortal Coil Set

Relics of the Putrid Pontiff Set

Relics of the Sundered King

Remains of the Dreadknight Set

Resentment of the Banished Princess

Ritual Garb of the Father Spirits Set

Rune Forged Set

Saberhorn*s Armor Set

Sacred Bones Set

Sacred Orb Set

Samurai Soul

Sanguine Royalty

Scarlet Quarry

Sentinel of the Lucent Gate


Silent Champion

Sky-High Warship

Snowstorm Huntress

Sorcerer of the Black Pool

Spider of Purple Nightmare

Spikes of Frost Set

Spinal Slicers Pack

Spirit of the Howling Wolf Set

Spoils of the Bone Ruins Set

Star Series 8

Starlight Set

Starrider of the Crescent Steel

Steelweb of Pytheos Set

Styles of Unending Battle

The Ancient Sovereign Set

The Apocalyptic Fire Set

The Arms of Retribution Set

The Atniw*s Fury Set

The Axecutioner Set

The Battle Caster Set

The Bone Scryer Set

The Bonehunter Set

The Boreal Watch Set

The Burden of Eleven Curses Set

The Caustic Consumption Set

The Clergy Ascetic Set

The Commendable Commodore Set

The Conquering Tyrant Set

The Corpse Maiden*s Set

The Creeper*s Cruelty Set

The Crimson Cut-throat Set

The Deadly Nightshade Set

The Drunken Warlord Set

The Ephemeral Haunt Set

The Exiled Demonologist Set

The Exiled Ronin Set

The Fiend Cleaver

The Gallows Understudy Set

The Garments of the Charred Bloodline Set

The Gifts of Yoskreth Set

The Hare Hunt Set

The Hidden Talent Set

The Mage Slayer*s Set

The Magus Magnus Set

The Maniacal Machinist

The Master Assassin Set

The Mourning Mother

The Mysterious Vagabond Set

The Nether Grandmaster*s Robes Set

The Nightwatcher*s Set

The Northern Wind Set

The Obsidian Blade Set

The Ol* Chopper*s Set

The Pirate*s Booty Set

The Radiance of the Crusade Set

The Red Conqueror Set

The Regal Forest Lord Set

The Riftshadow Roamer*s Set

The Sea Dragon*s Set

The Sharpshooter Set

The Slithereen Exile Set

The Spellbinder*s Shape Set

The Steadfast Voyager Set

The Stoneshard Majesty Set

The Stormcrow*s Spirit Set

The Subtle Demon Set

The Tentacular Timelord Set

The Third Insight Set

The Thorns of Sundering Set

The Twisted Arc Set

The Ursine Ravager Set

The Witch Hunter

The World Splitter

Thousand Faces Set

Throes of Anguish Set

Thunderwrath*s Calling Set

Tools of the Demon Witch Set

Toxic Siege Armor Set

Trappings of the Pangolin Guild Set

Traveler on the High Plains Set

Tribal Stone Set

Twisted Wisdom Set

Vestments of the Infinite Waves

Vestments of the Ten Plagues Set

Viridi Inanitas Set

Volatile Firmament

War-Vestments of the Magnoceri

Warlord of Hell

Warrior of the Steppe Set

Warrior of the Stormlands

Web of Thorns Set

Webs of Perception Set

Weight of Omexe Set

Whispering Dead Set

Wicked Bad Voodoo Set

Wings of Obelis Set

Wings of the Gilded Falcon Set

Winter Snowdrop

Witch of the Outlands Set

Wrath of the Blood Covenant Set

Wrath of the Highborn Pack

Yuwipi Set


Arcs of Manta Pack

Armor of the Sanguine Moon Set

Arms of Burning Turmoil Set

Artisan of Havoc

Assembly of Announcers Pack

Attributes of the Foretold Set

Axe Announcer Pack

Bastion Announcer Pack

Cadenza Magic Master

Clockwerk Announcer Pack

Collection of Couriers Pack

Commander of the Dragon Guard Set


Defense Grid Announcer Pack

Ember Crane Set

Empowered Vestments of the Gods Set

Epitaphic Bonds

Equine Emissary

Everlasting Heat


Flames of Prosperity Set

Flight of the Crescent Moon

Form of the Great Grey Set

Formed Alloy Set

Fungal Lord Set

Garb of the Cruel Magician Set

Garments of the Nightsilver Sentinel

Gemmed Armor of the Priest Kings Set

Gifts from the Gloom Set

Gifts of Fortune Set

Glacier Duster Set

Gladiator*s Revenge

Hunter of Kings

Iceborn Trinity

Iceforged Set

Juggernaut Announcer Pack

Lina Announcer Pack

Lord of the Scouring Dunes

Mystic Instruments of Tang-Ki

Nature*s Prophet Announcer Pack

Peculiar Prestidigitator Set

Primeval Prophet

Pyrion Flax Announcer Pack

Rage of the Three

Redwood Arms Set

Resonant Vibrance Set

Rider of the Storm Set

Sermon of the Frozen Apostle Set

Shadow Hunter Set

Sinister Lightning

Spoils from the Shifting Sorcerer Bundle

Static Lord

Stonehall Royal Guard Set

Storm Spirit Announcer Pack

Strength of the Demon Stone Set

Techies* Bombastic Box

The Demonic Archivist Set

The Inscrutable Zeal Set

The Moon Rider Set

The Pirate Cap*n Announcer Pack

The Rough Rider of Yama Raskav Set

The Stanley Parable Announcer Pack

The Three Virtues Bundle

The Wolf Hunter


Tools of the Haruspex Set

Tools of the Mad Harvester Set

Trine Announcer Pack

Twin Blades Assassin

Vestige of the Arsenal Magus

Wandering Demon of the Plains Set

Wandering Harlequin*s Regalia

傳說和至寶都比較短 就放一起了 


Arsenal of the Demonic Vessel

Bindings of Deep Magma

Blessings of Lucentyr Set

Chains of the Black Death

Reminiscence of Dreams


Blades of Voth Domosh

Demon Eater

Fiery Soul of the Slayer

Fractal Horns of Inner Abysm

Rune of the Duelist Indomitable

Swine of the Sunken Galley Bundle


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